The Importance of Tackling Fear: A Welcome Letter

An inquisitive mind is the fuel for what the body will later produce. The beauty of life is to act without fear holding you back, and more times than not we prevent ourselves from succeeding due irrational thought. If you want to do something, whether it be figuring out your occupation or finding an interest, fear must be removed in order for success to prevail. For a while I was very scared of success because of this deep feeling of not wanting to fail, but this fear alone produced failure time and time again. I had to let go of fear to then be successful, to produce the fruits of my labor that I knew I was capable of. How can I practice the law if I am fearful? You simply cannot. Without escaping the insidious nature of fear, you will never be what you know you deserve. Trust me, I know it’s way easier said than done. Fear is Goliath and you are merely David, it is really difficult to overcome the giant unless you realize you can outwit it. A lot of times you can’t, but when you do it once you realize how easy it is to manipulate yourself to believe you are better than what fear portrays you as.


Existential Dread and its Relationship with Time.


Something that’s Easier Said than Done: Letting go.