Kamala's Final Attempt at Becoming President: Have Biden Resign.

Hours after the news of the immense debt Kamala Harris’ Campaign is in—$20 million to be exact—articles have been inundating the internet, talking of ways she could become President after her landslide loss this past week. Many have been saying Loopholes could give Kamala a third shot at the Presidency. How shameful would it be to have this as our only option to get a woman into the White House, not by winning a fair and free election but by ousting the sitting President?

Even her supporters lost faith in her as soon as she lost, going on their talk shows espousing how her campaign—and the Democratic Party as a whole—has gone too far left. Well, isn't the suggestion that Biden should "resign" for Harris to have a shot as President a little…dystopian? Something that sounds eerily dissimilar to any democratic nation we know of and, instead, a more nefarious totalitarian rendition of the left?

I struggle to see how any of these articles are anything but a representation of how the Presidency is being used in such an unserious manner to essentially—if Biden did decide to resign—expunge the Harris team of their debts and other problems they faced throughout their campaign. At least it'll have all been worth it for her to have a month or two in office, right? Would this be how we want the first female President to be "elected"?

We all see what's happening here, but the left will repeatedly fail to acknowledge their shortcomings in this regard. They cannot stand to lose. They cannot even fathom that they've lost this Presidency, so much so that they're looking for alternate routes to obtain it by any means necessary.

Large and small news outlets, which collectively run the political spectrum, have been teasing this rather dangerous notion: "What if Biden resigned?" Why would we want the candidate who lost a fair election to have even a slight chance of running this country? Loopholes for Kamala Harris to Become President: How about we focus on maintaining some semblance of democracy for the next couple of months before attempting another quasi-coup?


Bouncing Back.


Getting Let Go and not Giving Up.